Rasala#5, Chak 38B

country Pakistan

Total population


Literacy rate

Smart phone use frequency

Majority of Residents

3. Majority of residents

Smart phone primary users

Mobile broadband coverage

Variable strength/Average

3. Variable strength /average

Mobile internet use frequency


3. Majority

Mobile internet primary users

Main purpose(s) of internet use by village residents (at least once a month)

Usage of social media on Whatsapp, mainstram social media platform, and Youtube, some agriculture related mobile applications and searching for agriculture specific information pertaining to the selling of livestock and purchase of agri-inputs

Main social medial tools (or platforms) used by village residents

Major social media platforms

Social media platforms use for marketing, commercial, data exchange or other services or types of activities (what, by whom and frequency)

Main livelihood occupations (crop types, fish, livestock, agrifood, etc.) practiced by village residents

Main farming activities

Farmer (rice, cotton, sugarcane, wheat, vegetables)

Main agri food activities

Other livelihood activities (outside farming)

Digital solutions available (or used) in Village (or by local residents)

Plantix - smartphone application

Featured Digital Solution


Plantix - smartphone application

Name of Lead Developer/supplier (and partners)


Lead developer category

Agritech company

Agritech company

Delivery type

Mobile app

Primary users


Number of users/subscribers (at village/local area level)

Development stage category and description

Commercial stage (widespread use nationally)

Commercial stage (widespread use nationally)

Digital category

Digital Agriculture

Indicate if the highlighted "top digital solution" is linked to (or part of) government, private, or multi-partner initiative, project or programme

Main issues, needs, or priorities faced (or expressed) by villagers in accessing, and/or using digital solutions, services, or innovations (examples: reliability/strength/slow internet connection; access through local language; lack of adatpation to needs; urgently needed services not available, accessible, affordable, etc....)

Other relevant information, data, statistics, links, application history etc.

Farmers can take a picture of their disease-ridden crop and get a free diagnosis as well as treatment suggestions within a few seconds through the app. Expert advice is also readily available on the Plantix community for farmers who want to ask a more particular question. The app is also able to calculate fertilizer requirements based on crop type and plot size. Plantix claims to have identified the right treatment for more than 600 diseases and according to the company, farmers have reported an improvement of more than 90% in their farming practices. The app is available in over 160 countries and 18 languages and claims to have more than 70,000 daily active users with 1 diagnosis made every 2 seconds.

On-line resource links

Main DV webpage

Link to Digital solutions

Link to Digital initiatives