Digital Solution

country Pakistan

Providing services through web based system and mobile apps, FarmGhar is Pakistan's one of the largest online livestock, dairy and Qurbani animals marketplace. FarmGhar offers delivery service with farmGhar guarantee. The delivery services include Home Collection & Delivery, and Cash on Delivery. It's a simple to use mobile application and It can be used for every day trade of the livestock animals for meat and dairy as well as for sale and purchase of Qurbani animals for Eid-Ul-Adha with home delivery anywhere in Pakistan.

Digital Solution (DS) Category

Digital Agrifood Services

Digital Agriculture

Digital Solution Type (sub-category)

Market and price data analytics

Livestock management & animal health

Delivery type (format)

Mobile app

Web based platform

DS supplier-user category

Business to business

Business to consumers

Type of entity (ICT developer-supplier)

Agritech company

Name of supplier/developer


Primary Users

Farmers , Agribusiness / private company

Digital Solution Development Stage

Commercial stage (limited use)

Number of users or subscribers

App downloads: 850,000 Registered farmers: 150,000

Measurable positive impact(s) by Digital Solution (DS) on target users and/or audience

Animals change many hands and are traded through multiple layers of Physical Cattle Markets (Primary Collection markets, Secondary Distribution markets, Terminal markets) that add 30%-50% to the transaction costs. FarmGhar primarily addresses the issue of multiple traders between buyers and sellers enabling a direct connection among them. Value added services like ‘Payment Guarantee’, ‘Verified animals’ and ‘Self-Stock’ have helped to add confidence in secure online buying and selling. This has also encouraged women farmers to sell or buy animals through farmGhar platform without facing any difficulties of the physical markets.

Digital Solution Geographic scope

Few locations in Punjab province

Name of Digital village(s), districts, communes where DS is used/deployed

On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)

Main DS webpage

Other useful link

DS links to Government programmes, initiatives, and projects

DS Links to FAO, UN and other Development agencies projects, initiatives and programmes