Digital Solution

country Japan

Developed by ListenField Inc., FarmAI is a web and mobile app based solution which digitizes and measures fields, reduces paper work through digital activity logging, and provides users with relevant weather information and advice, at the field level. FarmAI also supports collaboration among members of farming communities: farmers can invite their fellow farmers to work in their farm, or join a cooperative or an organization to get timely and relevant farming advice. The main services of this solution are 1) Near real-time Soil Nutrition Analysis - Farmers can evaluate soil conditions in real-time, allowing them to optimize fertilizer use from land preparation 2) Climate risk assessment - Scenario-based climate analysis including historical weather data to help users understand how different weather scenarios affect yields, and the potential consequences of planting outside the optimum windows 3) Crop health monitoring - Detailed and up-to-date views of crop conditions to help identify symptoms (water stress) before damages occur, as well as optimize harvesting plans (identify when and where to harvest). This can significantly maximize crop yields and reduce costs 4) Product Traceability - Captures essential data such as farm locations, production activity logs, and expected and actual production and 5) GHG Emission Monitoring, Reporting, and Validation (MRV): Analysis services suitable for GHG Emission Monitoring, Reporting, and Validation (MRV) which uses remote sensing and machine learning algorithms to monitor GHG Emissions from rice production, including emissions from soil, fertilizer, and crop management practices.

Digital Solution (DS) Category

Digital Agriculture

Digital Agrifood Services

Digital Solution Type (sub-category)

AI-Big data based solutions, Farm management services, Precision agriculture

Digital marketing and trading

Delivery type (format)

Mobile app

Web based platform

DS supplier-user category

Business to business

Business to consumers

Type of entity (ICT developer-supplier)

Agritech company

Name of supplier/developer

ListenField Inc.

Primary Users

Farmers , Agribusiness / private company , Value chain actors

Digital Solution Development Stage

Commercial stage (broad use use locally)

Number of users or subscribers

Measurable positive impact(s) by Digital Solution (DS) on target users and/or audience

By digitizing the whole production process, FarmAI connects cooperatives, farmer groups, agribusinesses, and agronomists, effectively creating an ecosystem that provides numerous benefits. First, FarmAI provides near-real-time soil health and climate risk insights to farmers, which enables them to reduce inefficiencies that contribute to low productivity, improve yields per hectare, and reduce operational costs. By applying best practices on fertilizer and water management using precise information, farmers can reduce fertilizer input costs and improve their yields. If successfully executed in Thailand, the economic impact can be worth $4.2 billion by 2030. In Southeast Asian countries, the economic impact can be worth $7.7 billion and $1.6 billion by 2050. Second, FarmAI promotes a sustainable and climate-resilient food production ecosystem where biodiversity is maintained and farmer capacities are enhanced, thereby enhancing farmer competitiveness, resilience, and innovation. This inclusive ecosystem can spur increased investments, job creation, and enhance international cooperation to further develop rural infrastructures, agricultural innovation, and intensify extension services in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. Rice cultivation alone can help generate as much as 40 million jobs by 2030. Third, FarmAI promotes supply chain efficiency for food and agribusinesses by promoting a digital ecosystem. Stakeholders gain insights at various points in the production process, enabling the identification of inefficiencies to manage resources more effectively. The rural supply chain effectively works as a cohesive whole where higher performance is achieved at reduced cost. Finally, FarmAI contributes to regenerating the planet through enhanced data collection and integration. Stakeholders can have a better view of the rice production supply chain and leverage data to gain a deeper understanding of elements that impact both rice production and GHG emissions. Experts can use this data to develop policies that directly mitigate GHG emissions, such as subsidies for Nitrogen inhibitors for sustainable fertilizer use, or drought-resistant rice varieties to increase water savings. Source:

Digital Solution Geographic scope

All over Japan

Name of Digital village(s), districts, communes where DS is used/deployed

On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)

Main DS webpage

Other useful link

Other useful link

Other useful link

DS links to Government programmes, initiatives, and projects

DS Links to FAO, UN and other Development agencies projects, initiatives and programmes