Digital Solution
Balainashok Nirdeshika

country Bangladesh

This mobile app enables a farmer, him/her self or with an agro-officer’s help, choose the right pesticide for his/her particular crop. The app also shows information on which companies are selling pesticides that are available on the market, besides the government approved pesticides, and farmers can also know about a pesticide manufactured by one group being sold under which names by different companies. Using a pesticide product’s API number, farmers can check whether the product is approved or not.

Digital Solution (DS) Category

Digital Agriculture

Digital Solution Type (sub-category)

Pest and disease management

Delivery type (format)

Mobile app

DS supplier-user category

Business to business

Business to consumers

Type of entity (ICT developer-supplier)

Agritech company

Name of supplier/developer

Bengal Solutions Ltd

Primary Users

Farmers , Agribusiness / private company

Digital Solution Development Stage

Commercial stage (limited use)

Number of users or subscribers

Measurable positive impact(s) by Digital Solution (DS) on target users and/or audience

Digital Solution Geographic scope

Few locations in Bangladesh

Name of Digital village(s), districts, communes where DS is used/deployed

On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)

Main DS webpage

Other useful link

DS links to Government programmes, initiatives, and projects

DS Links to FAO, UN and other Development agencies projects, initiatives and programmes