Digital Solution
Way cool

country India

Way cool is an export-oriented platform for Indian agricultural products. The company provides supply chain services in agribusiness from production to sale. Waycool promote tech-driven regenerative farming (that cut costs and boost incomes), reduce food waste via automation, and reduce carbon footprint through the Outgrow program

Digital Solution (DS) Category

Digital Agrifood Services

Digital Solution Type (sub-category)

Value chains management, Digital marketing and trading

Delivery type (format)

Mobile app

DS supplier-user category

Business to business

Business to consumers

Type of entity (ICT developer-supplier)

Agritech company

Name of supplier/developer

Waycool Foods & Products Pvt. Ltd.

Primary Users

Farmers , Agribusiness / private company

Digital Solution Development Stage

Commercial stage (widespread use nationally)

Number of users or subscribers

The company reported reaching 200,000+ farmers and 165,000+ clients

Measurable positive impact(s) by Digital Solution (DS) on target users and/or audience

WayCool regenerative farming programme offer potential benefits in reducing farmers' input costs, boosting incomes, reducing food waste and loweing carbon footprint

Digital Solution Geographic scope

All Over India

Name of Digital village(s), districts, communes where DS is used/deployed

2900 + Locations Across India And UAE

On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)

Main DS webpage

Other useful link

DS links to Government programmes, initiatives, and projects

DS Links to FAO, UN and other Development agencies projects, initiatives and programmes