Digital Farmer Program (DFP)

Developed by a private company, Probe Media Foundation, Inc., the Digital Farmer Program (DFP) is a nationwide program in Philippines that strengthens relationships between the youth (potential farmers) and the aging population of farmers. DFP provides farmers and youth with training on new technologies and help them to adopt them in their daily farming practices or livelihood activities. It's a ladderized learning program for small scale-farmers on mobile and internet literacy specifically on teaching basics of media literacy, scriptwriting, digital content creation, multimedia platforms, and the art and ethics of communications. It provides digital literacy for farmers on new farming techniques through technological solutions to boost agricultural productivity and marketability. The program also encourages Filipino youth to pursue agriculture as a career or future profession.

Lead (category)

Private company

Name of initiative lead (and partners)

Probe Media Foundation, Inc.

Categories of Digital initiative deliverables

Technology-neutral supporting services (incubation, finance, training, etc)

Specific ICT technology product and/or service delivery

ICT products/solutions and services by category

Digital Agriculture

Digital Social Services (Education, Health, Skills)

Non ICT products and services (deliverables)

Business and governance structure

Nationwise initiative being implemented by a private company.

DI ICT-deliverables format

Interactive data exchanges

Digital education

Primary stakeholders (beneficiaries, actors, enablers)


General public/rural areas populations

Youth networks

Village/community leaders

Size, scale or scope of primary stakeholders

Digital Initiative development Stage

Fully functional. Institutional-governance structure in place

Measurable impacts on primary stakeholders and target beneficiaries

Initiative geographic scope (or coverage) (national, regional, sector specific, specific user co-horts etc)


All over Philippines

On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)

Main DI webpage

Other useful link

Other useful link

Other useful link

Link to Digital village

Link to Digital solution