Dimitra Connected Farmer Platform
Dimitra platform is built on blockchain technology and incorporates mobile technology, machine learning, IoT devices, satellite and drone imagery, genomics, and advanced farming research. It helps smallholder farmers increase yields, reduces expenses, and mitigates risk. It provides Nepalese farmers with digital technologies and regenrative farming methods in crops and livestock by partnering with local agritechs in Nepal (NMC, JBS and NKC). It specifically increases profitability and effective market supply chain of crops, dairy, cereals, fish, fruits, vegetables, seed production from farmers to end consumers with a framework of sustainable livelihood development in Nepal. Apart from Nepali, the platform is also available in English, Hindi, Marathi, Spanish, Indonesian, Portuguese, French, Arabic, Swahili, Bengali, Oromo, Somali, Vietnamese, Amharic, Mandarin, Turkish and Greek languages.
Lead (category)
Private company
Name of initiative lead (and partners)
Dimitra Incorporated
Categories of Digital initiative deliverables
Specific ICT technology product and/or service delivery
ICT products/solutions and services by category
Digital Agriculture
Digital Agrifood Services
Non ICT products and services (deliverables)
Business and governance structure
Being implemented by a global Agritech, Dimitra Incorporated
DI ICT-deliverables format
Mobile applications
Web-based platform
Primary stakeholders (beneficiaries, actors, enablers)
Agribusiness / private organization
Size, scale or scope of primary stakeholders
100,000+ farmers globally. Source: Developer website.
Digital Initiative development Stage
Fully functional. Institutional-governance structure in place
Measurable impacts on primary stakeholders and target beneficiaries
Initiative geographic scope (or coverage) (national, regional, sector specific, specific user co-horts etc)
All over Nepal
On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)
Link to Digital village
Link to Digital solution