Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK)/ Knowledge Network / KVK Portal

Developed by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) are district-level agricultural science centers which are anintegral components of the National Agricultural Research System (NARS). KVKs focus on assessment, refinement, and demonstration of location-specific agricultural technologies by serving as knowledge and resource centers, bridging the gap between research institutions and farmers. KVKs conduct on-farm testing, frontline demonstrations, and capacity-building programs for farmers and extension personnel. The initiative, 100% funded by the Government of India, has grown to 731 KVKs nationwide, operated by various institutions including Agricultural Universities, ICAR Institutes, NGOs, and State Governments. They also support agripreneurship, support farmer producer organizations, and provide crucial advisory services using ICT tools.

Lead (category)

Government multi-agencies

Name of initiative lead (and partners)

Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Agricultural Universities, ICAR institutes, State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), and other Educational Institutions

Categories of Digital initiative deliverables

Agritech ecosystem regulatory and insitutional support

Agritech, startup or SMEs capacity and enabling services

Technology-neutral supporting services (incubation, finance, training, etc)

ICT products/solutions and services by category

Digital Agriculture

Digital Rural Services

E-Government Services

Non ICT products and services (deliverables)

1. On-farm testing of agricultural technologies 2. Frontline demonstrations on farmers' fields 3. Capacity development programs for farmers and extension personnel 4. Production of quality technological products (seed, planting material, bio-agents, livestock) 5. Farm advisories on various subjects 6. Agripreneurship development

Business and governance structure

KVKs are established under the administrative control of various institutions including Agricultural Universities (509 KVKs), ICAR Institutes (66 KVKs), NGOs (101 KVKs), State Governments (38 KVKs), and other institutions (17 KVKs). The Agricultural Technology Application Research Institute (ATARI) coordinates and monitors KVKs at the zonal level.

DI ICT-deliverables format

Digital education

Web-based platform

Face to face servicing

Primary stakeholders (beneficiaries, actors, enablers)


Women groups

SMEs / agreprenuers

Size, scale or scope of primary stakeholders

731 KVKs established across India, serving farmers and agricultural stakeholders at the district level. On average, each KVK covers 43 villages and serves approximately 4,300 farmers. Source: Developer website

Digital Initiative development Stage

Fully functional. Institutional-governance structure in place

Measurable impacts on primary stakeholders and target beneficiaries

1. 42% increase in productivity through adoption of KVK-recommended technologies 2. Additional net farm income of ₹5,752 per hectare 3. Benefit Cost Ratio of 11.78 for expenditure on KVKs 4. Each KVK annually trains about 100 individuals in agripreneurship, with 25% of trainees starting self-employment ventures 5. 96% of farmers' requests are attended to by KVKs 6. Pulses production elevated from an average of 17.70 MT to 27.80 MT in 2022-23 through Cluster Frontline Demonstration (CFLD) program 7. 52% reduction in crop residue burning in 60 districts of four states 8. 39% increase in household net income and 8.57% improvement in dietary diversity scores through Integrated Farming Systems (IFS) models Source:

Initiative geographic scope (or coverage) (national, regional, sector specific, specific user co-horts etc)


On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)

Main DI webpage

Other useful link

Link to Digital village

Link to Digital solution