Agriculture Information Service (AIS) Portal
Developed by by Bangladesh's Department of Agriculture, the Agriculture Information Service (AIS) is a web portal which provides agricultural services to farmers, merchants, producers, importers, and other agricultural and agricultural research-related persons/organizations. There are 38 services (irrigation water quality testing, irrigation card, seed sale, market information, online fertilizer recommendation, fertilizer production registration, fertilizer-import registration etc.). The initiative target farmers (12 services), merchants (12 services), producers (3 services), importers (3 services), exporters (1 service), and others (20 services).
Lead (category)
Government agency
Name of initiative lead (and partners)
Department of Agriculture, Bangladesh
Categories of Digital initiative deliverables
Specific ICT technology product and/or service delivery
ICT products/solutions and services by category
Digital Agriculture
Digital Agrifood Services
Non ICT products and services (deliverables)
Business and governance structure
Implemented by Bangladesh's Department of Agriculture
DI ICT-deliverables format
Web-based platform
Primary stakeholders (beneficiaries, actors, enablers)
Extension agents
Size, scale or scope of primary stakeholders
Digital Initiative development Stage
Fully functional. Institutional-governance structure in place
Measurable impacts on primary stakeholders and target beneficiaries
Initiative geographic scope (or coverage) (national, regional, sector specific, specific user co-horts etc)
All over Bangladesh
On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)
Link to Digital village
Link to Digital solution