myGov App
Developed by Department of Information and Communication Technology Bangladesh with support from UNDP, the myGov App is a central platform providing digital/e-government services to various government organizations in a single digital platform. It provides accessibility to citizens through five types of service access channels which are 1) myGov Web ( citizens can search for service applications, and information about services using any device using a laptop, mobile, or tablet 2) myGov app: users can complete the service application, service tracking, payment, etc 3) 333 Call Centers: provide access to disadvantaged people as well as to assist citizens who are out of the Internet while roaming, 333 Call Centers assist as voice assistants with important information such as service information, application inquiries, and application status 4) Union Digital Center: There are 4500+ Union Digital Centers across the country for the collaboration of technologically backward rural citizens who are one of the most important integral parts of the myGov platform as an access point. Customers can apply for services, payments, etc. with the help of digital center entrepreneurs and 5) Service Provider's Own Digital System: By coordinating with the service providers' own digital systems, the service users will be able to receive services using any myGov platform.
Lead (category)
Name of initiative lead (and partners)
Department of Information and Communication Technology Bangladesh with support from UNDP
Categories of Digital initiative deliverables
Specific ICT technology product and/or service delivery
Technology-neutral supporting services (incubation, finance, training, etc)
ICT products/solutions and services by category
E-Government Services
Digital Finance
Non ICT products and services (deliverables)
Business and governance structure
Department of Information and Communication Technology Bangladesh with support and funding from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
DI ICT-deliverables format
Mobile applications
Web-based platform
Primary stakeholders (beneficiaries, actors, enablers)
General public/rural areas populations
Size, scale or scope of primary stakeholders
Digital Initiative development Stage
Fully operational - Growing and expanding stage
Measurable impacts on primary stakeholders and target beneficiaries
Initiative geographic scope (or coverage) (national, regional, sector specific, specific user co-horts etc)
All over Bangladesh
On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)
Link to Digital village
Link to Digital solution