GoviLab Agritech Accelerator
Sri Lanka
GoviLab Agritech Accelerator is a digital initiative to elevate and modernise Sri Lanka's agriculture sector, adopting a holistic approach. It was launched as a key part of Sri Lanka's Inclusive Digital Agriculture Transformation (IDAT) strategy, a one-of-a-kind national initiative by the Sri Lankan Government together with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and PwC India. GoviLab identifies and prioritise key challenges within Sri Lanka’s agriculture sector like ensuring food security and address them through the support of smallholder farmers by cultivating a digitised agricultural ecosystem that contributes significantly to the IDAT project. The initiative has 3 main areas of focus which are 1) Agricultural inputs and practices: including mechanization of input (fertilizers, seeds, agrochemicals) application; timely fertilizer application/farm management; and pest and disease (timely detection and management) 2) Water management: including timely dissemination of information regarding water needs of different crops; mechanization that ensures accurate water provision for crops, reducing water wastage and 3) Post harvest management: including providing smallholder farmers with direct access to market and providing with information regarding specific crop demand (market price/quantity needed); value addition and storage.
Lead (category)
Name of initiative lead (and partners)
Sri Lankan Government together with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and PwC India
Categories of Digital initiative deliverables
Agritech, startup or SMEs capacity and enabling services
Technology-neutral supporting services (incubation, finance, training, etc)
Agritech ecosystem regulatory and insitutional support
ICT products/solutions and services by category
Digital Agriculture
Non ICT products and services (deliverables)
Business and governance structure
Being implemented by the Sri Lankan Government together with Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and PwC India
DI ICT-deliverables format
Interactive data exchanges
Digital education
Precision agriculture
Primary stakeholders (beneficiaries, actors, enablers)
Agribusiness / private organization
SMEs / agreprenuers
Size, scale or scope of primary stakeholders
Digital Initiative development Stage
Fully operational - Growing and expanding stage
Measurable impacts on primary stakeholders and target beneficiaries
Initiative geographic scope (or coverage) (national, regional, sector specific, specific user co-horts etc)
All over Sri Lanka
On-line resource links (Web-page links, links to videos, links to reports, etc)
Link to Digital village
Link to Digital solution